
Luke 16:19-31, Luke 23:39-43
Paradise and hades

This sermon was preached at Crosswater Community Church in Sultan, WA on10/1/23 

There is much discussion in our society about what Jesus said or didn't say as well as what He meant by what He said or didn't say. So how do we know who is right? We go straight to the source, HIS WORD! Journey with us in 2023 as we explore what Jesus said on a variety of topics and let's dig in together as we seek to understand, apply and live out all that "JESUS SAID".

Following Jesus is difficult and the meaning of what He said is not always immediately obvious so we need to be sure to understand the various contexts in which he taught and apply what we know to be true even when it’s hard.

In our sermon series "He Will Separate" we will take a look at what Jesus said about heaven and about hell. In our society, there are a lot of theories, ideas, fears, and hopes regarding heaven and hell including whether they even exist at all. But, fortunately for us, Jesus wasn’t silent about these topics so let’s look at what “Jesus Said” about heaven and hell and how it impacts us.

As we conclude our series, we look at a very informative story about life after death from Jesus. Jesus says there are two places people go when they die: Heaven (paradise) or hell (Hades). Belief in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection means life with Him now and forever