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6/9/24 Crosswater Community Church, Sultan, WA - Sunday Worship Service
Aaron Day
Aaron Day
Sunday, June 9, 2024
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As followers of Jesus, we are called to be 'Set Apart' from the ways of the world, pursuing holiness as we live by HIS grace, for HIS glory, and in HIS power to bring about HIS Kingdom in and through HIS people. We are “Set Apart” for a purpose, to intentionally live lives of obedient faith and holiness “for the sake of HIS name among all the nations.”

Keeping the requirements of the law is a battle we can't win, trusting that JESUS paid it all and gave us the victory (the gospel) is the battle we can't lose.

Discussion Questions -

If JESUS is in HIS followers then why do CHRIST followers still struggle with sin?

Please re-read Romans 7:7-15

Paul says that the law is" holy, righteous and good" how does he defend that in the verses above?

If the law is "holy, righteous and good" why can't it save us?

Timothy Keller calls keeping the standards of the law a "Battle we can't win" do you agree or disagree with this and why?

Please re-read Romans 7:16-25 

When have you found it difficult, like Paul, to do the good that you wanted to do? Why do we find it so easy to sin, even if we don’t want to do it?

How does Paul find joy seemingly in the midst of despair over his inability to do what is right?

In what ways can you intentionally thank GOD for HIS victory for you in JESUS?


Please pray for one another to be honest with the struggle and thankful for the victory in JESUS!

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