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7/7/24 Crosswater Community Church, Sultan, WA - Sunday Worship Service
Zach Day
Zach Day
Sunday, July 7, 2024
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As followers of Jesus, we are called to be 'Set Apart' from the ways of the world, pursuing holiness as we live by HIS grace, for HIS glory, and in HIS power to bring about HIS Kingdom in and through HIS people. We are “Set Apart” for a purpose, to intentionally live lives of obedient faith and holiness “for the sake of HIS name among all the nations.”

This week we look at the understanding of true righteousness, emphasizing that it comes through faith in Christ rather than through the law. It also provides a robust understanding of genuine faith, inspiring believers to actively practice and share their faith.

Discussion Questions -

What stood out to you from the Sermon? 

Walk through and discuss the "Romans Road" 

1. The Problem: We Are All Sinners (Romans 3:10 & 3:23) 
2. The Consequence: Death is Our Payment (Romans 6:23a)
3. The Solution: The Free Gift of Salvation Through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23b, 5:8)
4.  The Response: Confession and Belief (Romans 10:9, 10:13)
5.  The Result: Justification Before God and Peace with Him (Romans 5:1-2, Romans 8:1)
6.  The Promise: Our Eternal Security (Romans 8:38-39)

What have you found is the most difficult aspect of this journey to believe or put into practice for you? What about for others you have encountered? 

Who told you about Jesus? Spend some time thanking God for these faithful people.
Who do you need to tell about Jesus? And what kind of preparations do you need to make before you talk with them? Pray that God would give you wisdom on how to pursue them Prayerfully, Persistently, Preachingly, and Personally. 

Pray for one another. 


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