Engage in Discipleship in 2025
Discipleship is a bit of a buzz word in the church and can have lots of different meanings and ways of going about it. Simply put, discipleship is becoming more like Jesus. We believe that one of the most effective ways to do that is intentional life-on-life discipleship. As such, we want to see the people of Crosswater investing in intentional, one-on-one discipleship relationships, mutually encouraging and challenging each other to become more like Jesus and then teaching others to do the same. While both parties should become more like Jesus in the process, these one-on-one discipling reltationships typically have a leader (discipler) and a "student" (disciple) and we are looking for both. If you would like help to disciple others or, if you would like to be disciplesd, please fill out the brief form below and someone will reach out to you.

Additional Discipleship Resources
Follow our current Bible Reading plan
Study with Us
- In the Crosswater app - Download the app and follow the reading plan in the "Bible" tab
- On Facebook - Each week's readings are posted on Sunday afternoons on the Crosswater Facebook page
- Download a PDF of the full reading plan below