Men's ministry

We want to help the men of Crosswater band together to grow in their relationship with Jesus and look more and more like HIM everywhere that they go 

Calling all men! Join us the 3rd Saturday of each month as we gather together for breakfast, teaching and discussion.
A suggested contribution of $5 can be paid online in advance (this helps us plan enough food) or at the door.

From September '24 through May '25 we'll be digging into 2 Timothy using a study on RightNow Media. Together we'll learn what it means for disciples to be entrusted with the gospel, shaped by the gospel, and driven by the responsibility of sharing the gospel with others. We'll be using the available study guide at breakfast on Saturdays and encouraging guys to get together once or twice between large group gatherings to go even deeper.
If you miss as session, you can access the full study on RightNow Media

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