2/2/25 | Honor your Father and Mother | Aaron Day | Crosswater Community Church
#SundayService #Church #MoreJesus #10Commandments #LoveGod #LoveOthers #SultanWA
The Ten Commandments reveal the heart of God and call His people to live in holiness, reflecting His character in their lives. They were given to set God's people apart from the world, demonstrating what it means to love God fully and love others faithfully. Ultimately, they point us to our inability to perfectly keep them, revealing our need for Jesus, the Savior who fulfills the law on our behalf.
Honoring your parents kind of seems "old fashioned" or "outdated" but it is still important to GOD (see Ephesians 6:1-4) since HE is the ultimate parent! Thank YOU JESUS for being our example in how to do this!
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